In 2018 the famous sports brand Under Armour opened its flagship store in Amsterdam. ASA was approached to curate an artist who fits the brand identity and could create several murals in Under Armour’s new store.

ASA found the perfect match in artist Team Blazin. The Dutch artist works in a typical calligraffiti style and with the chosen color palette of grey tones, black and Amsterdam red, his style perfectly fits within the brand identity of Under Armour that stands for passion, design & innovation.

ASA artist Team Blazin painted a total of 7 murals at the Under Armour flagship store and the ASA team took care of the in-store signing. After this successful collaboration, Team Blazin also painted several walls at the Under Armour headquarter at the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam.

 Company: UnderArmour / True Rabbit.
.Category: Commissioned murals.
.Mission: Curate a street artist who fits the brand identity and create several in-store   murals.
.Skills used: Curation, collaboration, design, production.

Would you also like to create an innovative experience? ASA is the perfect partner to design an ‘out of the box’ concept for your product, message or company whereby several urban disciplines reinforce each.

For several clients, ASA developed multi-disciplinary concepts. Within these concepts street art is combined with, as an example, urban music and interactive workshops. The total experience has a reinforcing effect to keep the target group actively involved and to realize the underlying (commercial) goals.

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