The opening of our current exhibition “Abstractalizm” was a big success. It’s probably the combination of great artworks, nice and beautiful people, a lovely cocktail and some fresh tunes that visitors enjoy this night out and buy art.

We invited 7 different artists to be part of this show, all specialized in abstract art with a flavor of urban culture. Think bold colors, lines, murals and patterns. Abstract art can’t be explained precisely in words, because it effects people personal. It’s an experience. An experience u must come and see at art’otel.
After the opening we like to give you a small insight of the participating artist’s mind so we asked them a few questions about their work as an artist & include some fun facts..
All the way from Hungary, Annamaria, known as Nnamari, lives in Rotterdam since 2010. She graduated as a photographer in 2002, however she is an autodidact artist. She started her way in the scene with small work, like stickers and paste-ups, but she knew how to think bigger and soon after, she painted murals for several urban art projects and festivals.

Nnamari is booked for her well known moving art using straight lines and geometric shapes in black and white. Her interest lies in op-art, geometry, modern-, industrial-, brutalist-architecture, post-graffiti, digital-art, sci-fi, science, futurism. She applies all these elements in her work and if this is also in your interest, you should definitely check out some more of Nnamari’s creations here!

When I was 8, I chose to dress as a penguin for the carnival, later in the music school I chose the piano, so I guess I always preferred black and white things😅. After I moved to the Netherlands and thanks to my roomie, I started to draw and paint more often. One day I was walking in Arnhem and saw a black and white abstract mural, it was very inspiring. I did use colors a couple of times in my work, but never got the feeling that I want to use them more often.
Intergalactic teleportation👽 What else could be a better superpower, than be able to travel faster than light and discover all the magic in the endless universe?
DOES ART help you in other areas of your life?
Yes, of course. Making art for me is like meditation. It helps to understand myself better. Abstract art is like poetry, it makes people think more deeply about the subject.

We can well imagine that after reading this blog you have become interested in buying a work. To make this possible we included the exhibited works in our webshop. For those in and around Amsterdam, you can visit our exhibition from 2 December 2022 – 30 March 2022. art’otel gallery is open 7 days a week from 11 am till 11 pm and is located in front of Central Station.

While visiting the gallery feel free to visit ARCA Bar & restaurant on the first floor for some really great food and cocktails. During this exhibition they serve a special designed cocktail thanks to participating artist @VisualRugs and awesome cocktail shakers of ARCA.

Also looking for an abstract work for your home or office? Check out our webshop to see more of the work Richard. Or feel free to contact us at info@amsterdamstreetart.com to discuss any custom made artwork.