The opening of our current exhibition “Abstractalizm” was a big success. It’s probably the combination of great artworks, nice and beautiful people, a lovely cocktail and some fresh tunes that visitors enjoy this night out and buy art.
We invited 7 different artists to be part of this show, all specialized in abstract art with a flavor of urban culture. Think bold colors, lines, murals and patterns. Abstract art can’t be explained precisely in words, because it effects people personal. It’s an experience. An experience u must come and see at art’otel.
After the opening we like to give you a small insight of the participating artist’s mind so we asked them a few questions about their work as an artist & include some fun facts..
Hyland Mather aka The Lost Object was born in 1971 in Corvallis, Oregon. He grew up in Alaska and currently he is busy creating various works between Amsterdam, The Netherlands and the Silver coast in Portugal. His works are made from found or as he likes to say ‘lost’ items and he uses different elements in his work such as; geometry, nature, shape, color, composition and imagery. The Lost Object got his name from finding “lost objects” and turning them into a whole new creation. After the objects have been used and they are thrown away, they are found, rediscovered and brought back to life by him.
I find the process meditative. Aesthetically I seek ‘balance’ in the work and in the practice. I sketch all the time, but I rarely start with a fully formed plan when I make physical things, and I only know a piece is finished when it feels visually harmonious.
Is there a specific material that you like to use the most?
I use whatever materials I find… and that can range from wood, to metal, to string, to paint, cardboard, stones, plastic, old sticks, drop cloth canvas or honestly…some material that I don’t even know yet…surprises, you know.
What is your favorite time of the day to create?
It’s a rolling clock, I never know when I’ll get inspired. It can wake me from a dead sleep, or keep me from dinner, or even be a 24 create a thon, I work at all odd hours. . I will say, I’m not great in the morning though.. hardly ever touch tools before 10am hahaha.
Take a look at our webshop to see more artworks and feel free to contact us for any custom-made artwork, murals, designs, and many more creative expressions you can think of.
We can well imagine that after reading this blog you have become interested in buying a work. To make this possible we included the exhibited works in our webshop. For those in and around Amsterdam, you can visit our exhibition from 2 December 2022 – 30 March 2022. art’otel gallery is open 7 days a week from 11 am till 11 pm and is located in front of Central Station.
While visiting the gallery feel free to visit ARCA Bar & restaurant on the first floor for some really great food and cocktails. During this exhibition they serve a special designed cocktail thanks to participating artist @VisualRugs and awesome cocktail shakers of ARCA.
Also looking for an abstract work for your home or office? Check out our webshop to see more of the work Richard. Or feel free to contact us at info@amsterdamstreetart.com to discuss any custom made artwork.