In case you lived under a rock I will explain who these guys are. The dutch duo Telmo, Rotterdam ’89 and Miel, Amsterdam ’84 met each other in 2007 at the Willem de Kooning Academy. In 2012 Telmo and Miel started with their company called TelmoMiel. Since then they are traveling the whole world to paint insane murals.

The duo paints huge architecturally sized walls or buildings but also paints with oil on canvas. The work from their studio also contains individual pieces but they all go in the name of TelmoMiel.

Telmo and Miel both have a different and unique style, because the artistic duo works great together they can combine their styles into a beautiful piece of art.
The paintings contains playfulness between abstraction and reality, aiming to bring positivity, humor and a touch of romance.

They attempt to make the viewer see objects with a different eye. The duo is known around the world from New York to Amsterdam. Their studio can be found in Rotterdam.

Definitely keep an eye on their social accounts!
ASA works with an artist database with over 400 artists worldwide. This means we can provide a wide range of creative services. TelmoMiel are ASA “Selected Artists” which means that he has done several commissioned jobs for us, where we received a motivated positive reaction from the client. We proudly present some of his specialties which might be the perfect solution for your creative project.
Feel free to contact us to receive more information or when you would like to involve TelmoMiel in your creative process.
Artist special, a concept by ASA intern #Yorick