ASA – Amsterdam Street Art

Artist announcement 28 Stars EU Show Part 1

28 stars eu art show
Mark your agenda! The 26th of January 2019 ASA’s new exhibition 28 STARS European Union Art Show will open its doors. Hereby we cordially invite you to join us at the opening and visit the show that’s on display till March 16 at GO Gallery Amsterdam.

But first of all, we would like to introduce you to the artists that’ll be on show. We kick off with the first seven.

Belgium: Dzia 

Dzia is an Antwerp-based street artist who adds fauna flair to walls across the globe. Dzia is classically trained with a masters in fine art. After his studies he really wanted to show his work on walls, and so he did. His work usually shows animals in bold, geometric lines which makes a nice connection to the urban enviroment they’re placed in. Dzia has an unique graphic style that’s strongly reconizable.

Bulgaria: NASIMO

NASIMO started spraying on walls in 1995, as part of the Los Bastardos crew. They separated in 2000 and since then NASIMO started a new kind of street art, mixing traditional and graffiti. He’s now busy exploring different techniques, focusing on painting oil on canvas. He alternates between working at his studio and still traveling the world to make outstanding murals, still in his own, unique style.

Cyprus: Paparazzi ART Studio

Paparazzi ART Studio is one of the few artists in Cyprus who has embraced the art of
graffiti and street art. He studied art but his real study started on the streets when he met with the movement of Graffiti and hip hop culture. His work always tells a story, most of the time about the people he portraits in his own style where you can still recognize his graffiti background.

Denmark: Stine Hvid 

Stine Hvid is our first lady of the show! She has been working full-time as an artist since 2013. Her work has a recognizable style with clear lines and powerful figures. She makes sure her work will always catch your attention.


Taneli Stenberg lives in Helsinki but travels a lot to make new murals and show the world his work. His work is a combination between realism with his own fantasy, creating strong images that can’t be overlooked.

France: Nicolas Barrome Forgues

Nicolas Barrome Forgues, everything about his upbringing was classic, but his work shows the opposite. His work is fun, crazy, colorful and very imaginative. But if you look closer, you’ll see the amazing detail and the story the creative figures are trying to tell you.

Greece: Stamatis Laskos

Stamatis Laskos’ figures might remind you of the typical cartoonish style sometimes used to draw a caricature of someone. But don’t be fooled. His work shows problems and issues we have in this world and makes you realizes there’s still lots of people who need help. His works have names like ‘The €uropean’ and ‘Molotov cocktail’, which makes them hit you even more.

Keep an eye on our website, next week we’ll tell you more about the next 7 artists.

In the meantime, check out the Facebook event and attend our show!     

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