Noah’s train has just paid a visit to Barcelona. What’s Noah’s train I hear you ask! Well, Noah’s train is the longest mobile artwork in the world. This traveling piece of art measures 200 meters in length and features 17 specifically designed carriages. The train is inspired by the oldest history of environmental protection, Noah’s Ark.

Climate Change

The train is the idea of Rail Freight Forward who wanted to bring attention to an important matter. That matter is climate change. Rail Freight Forward’s goal is – shifting 30% of freight to rail by 2030. They believe that rail freight is the only possibility to combine economic growth with climate goals.

The Noah train has actually been on the go for a while now. She originally left Katowice in Poland back in December last year and has been making her way through Europe ever since. The train has stopped off in Vienna, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Madrid and now Barcelona.

Misterpiro Noah's Train Street art

In each city, two containers, created by local artists, have been added to the train to help transform this train into one beautiful advert for climate change. Once the Noah train finished its journey the containers will be put to operational use for the most climate friendly way to transport goods and merchandise.

Noah's Train street art

The animal kingdom

The train started it’s journey way back in December with just two containers featuring the work of Sedr84 and Samerups. These containers featured a shark, a whale, a tiger and a zebra. Of course with the environment being the main focus of the project these containers have all been adorned with a member of the animal kingdom. As the train has ‘snaked’ it’s way through Europe, flamingos, bears, monkeys, elephants and much more have all been added.

Sabek Noah's train street art

The most recent pieces were added in Madrid. Created by Sabek and Misterpiro these new carriages exhibit a turtle, a parrot, an osprey, and the lynxFor a full list of the artists involved, you can check this link here.

Scroll down for some serious pictures of this great initiative!

Misterpiro Noah's train street art
Skenar73 Noah's train street art
Smok Noah's train street art
Alain Welter Noah's train street art
Alain Welter
Alain Welter Noah's train Street art
Alain Welter
Sedr84 Noah's train street art

Noah's train street art

Sabek Noah's train street art
Riseone Noah's train Street art
Daniel Mac Lloyd Noah's train street art
Daniel Mac Lloyd
Neve Noah's train street art




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