Want to get to know a bit more about graffiti, street art, and the whole scene? We collected a handful of films and documentaries to check out and dive into the street art world (both Dutch and English).
‘Kroonjuwelen (Hard Times, Good Times, Better Times)’ is a pretty dope documentary to start with if you want to know more about the die-hard graffiti writers from the ’70 – ’90’s in Amsterdam. With Dutch graffiti legends like DELTA, Diana Ozon, Hugo Kaagman, JAZ, ZAP en many more. The documentary has a catching vibe, wanting you to go back in the days. (Dutch)
The Poetry of a City
Cycling through the city of Amsterdam, you’ve probably spotted Laser.314‘s street poems. Almost no construction fence is ‘safe’ for the artist’s words that often set you to thinking and remind you of being in the present. Watch this inspiring TEDxAmsterdam talk with the artist. (English)
KBTR Documentaire
While you sit on the train and stare out the window, I’m sure between the tags and throw-ups you’ve spotted a KBTR piece before. The iconic figure is the artist’s trademark and is so popular you even have KBTR hunters. (Dutch)
Graffiti – Style Wars
Dive into NYC 1982! The film Style Wars is a true classic that people are still watching today. The camera follows both artists as cops and other opponents, giving it an interesting dimension about how people saw graffiti almost 40 years ago.

Banksy Exit Through the Gift Shop
Whilst we are skeptical about Banksy sometimes, this movie is both entertaining as informative, especially when you’re the type of person who always names Banksy if someone asks you to name a street artist or if you consider yourself a fan. A French shop-keeper (who became a street artist himself) attempts to locate and befriend Banksy and films the process. The film contains footage of Banksy, Shepard Fairey, Invader and many more. It shows how hypes can be created and what an impact people and actions can have on us.
The Man Who Stole Banksy
Staying in the Banksy theme, The man who stole Banksy, is a crazy movie about a guy who decides to cut a Palestinian Banksy work of and sell it back to the west. The movie shows the illegal black market, cultures clashing and the changing perception of street art. But it also tells about the meaning of art, how we see it and how we decide what’s important for us.
Martha: A Picture Story
“Living proof that art can keep you young” is one of the lines in the trailer of the movie about Martha Cooper. The lady became an icon, capturing street art and urban life, getting familiar with the world’s outside working artists. Martha: a picture story is a must-see if you don’t only enjoy artists but also appreciate the people who have the joys and sorrows for it and make art their life.
Piece of Art
Amsterdam news channel AT5 launched a mini docu-series about Amsterdam street artists. Piece of art shows portraits of Dopie, JDL Streetart, Zedz, The London Police and Hugo Kaagman telling you what street art means to them. (Dutch)
The Deepest Depths of the Burrow is a documentary of almost 2 hours about lifestyle, art, and subculture. Illustrator, Urban Art- and Graffiti artist Nychos set up his street concept RABBIT EYE MOVEMENT 13 years ago. For two years, Nychos has been accompanied by filmmaker Christian Fischer, resulting in this inspiring documentary. A must-see as Nychos takes you with him all over the world visiting other artists, giving a unique view of their street art scene.
We hope everyone is staying safe during this difficult time. With spring finally showing, it’s not easy to stay home but hopefully above street art films and documentaries can cheer you up a little bit. Is your favorite street art documentary missing? Please let us know as we will update this list regularly.