It was 2015 when Amsterdam Street Art came up with the idea to organize the Street Art Awards. Shortly before that, McDonalds came up with the graffiti burger and we were surprised by Ikea with a true Street art line. If we had not done this at the time, a large commercial party would undoubtedly have run off with completely different intentions.

While around the first edition there was still talk about whether or not to talk about “the best”, it became clear during the 2nd edition of the Dutch Street art awards that this was certainly not our starting point. It was about appreciation, a great evening with artists from all over the Netherlands, a drink, a fun side program, a well-filled goody bag and, for some, even a unique sculpture in the form of an award. Everything in the atmosphere of an official award ceremony but with a big wink. Together with Boomerang Create, we organized 3 successful editions. We have received negative messages such as angry emails questioning our independence and possible interference with the jury system. Fortunately, it was mostly positive and nice reactions that prevailed. After the 3rd edition, in preparation for a world edition, we put our concept in the fridge for a while and then Corona came…

Unintentionally and beyond our control, it has been quiet for a few years. During this period bought the url variants of the Awards, since 2019 the Australian Street art Awards popped up, the Rize Art Prize gives away an award for street art and you can participate online via Street Art Cities with the most voting counts concept. Apparently there is a need for a bit of competition and people want to be “the best”.
All good!!! Don’t get us wrong. We will embrace all (in)direct promotion of the art form and try not to criticize negatively. Of course there lays a bit of McDonalds sauce over it, so all the more reason for us to organize a new physical edition of the Dutch Street Art Awards.

On Friday 19 May 2023 in the city center of Amsterdam we will host the 4th edition of the Dutch Street Art Awards, backed by 8.6. An edition where all those present receive appreciation for what they do on the street. 1 evening in the spotlight with a controversial program, great prizes, but above all fun, craziness and creativity.

Are you or do you know someone who’s active on the streets in the past 3 years?
Visit, select the category and submit your favorite work or favorite artist.
The jury for this upcoming edition consists of a mix of experts in the world of art and culture, including three-time winner of the Greatest Gallery award, Oscar van der Voorn (GO Gallery), International design expert Rico de Lange, art lover, former night mayor, writer and DJ Joost van Bellen, journalist, art historian Cathelijne Blok and professional artist and winner of the Young Talent award, Judith de Leeuw.

Submission is open until the 10th of May. From 11 till 18th of May you can vote on the People’s Favorite category.